Angol - Magyar Szótár | you have

Online fordító - Szótár
Speciális karakterek:     

you have

szóra: 74 - Angol-Magyar szótár
you have only to say the word
you have plenty of time
you have the wrong side outwards
a fat chance you have
what will you have
a fat chance you have!
there you have me
there you have me!
what quarrel you have with my hair?
what will you have?
what would you have me do
who did you have for dinner?
who did you have to dinner?
whom did you have for dinner?
whom did you have to dinner?

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Legutóbbi 10 fordítás

in far cry
rank first
hydraulic press
in duty bound
humeral muscle
stand premium
wind that prognosticates snow
put a ship on the stocks
you have


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